Photographing and Filming in Morris Library
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2024, 01:50 PM
The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions under which Morris Library space may be used for filming, photography, and/or video production. This policy is intended to help maintain an appropriate environment for study and research in the library. The administration, faculty, and staff of Morris Library strive to protect the rights of individuals to privacy and to be undisturbed while using the library.
- Individuals wishing to take photographs or film in Morris Library must obtain permission in advance. At least one week before the activity, contact the Administrative Office at 618-453-2522 or visit the Office on the 2nd Floor, Room 290, to explain the plans and desired outcomes of the activity. Administrative Office staff will discuss the activity with the Dean and then communicate if and/or how the activity can be accommodated.
- On the day of the photography or filming and before beginning the activity, check in with the Administrative Office. The Administrative Office will notify Library staff of the activity.
- Prior to photographing or filming anyone inside or just outside the library, obtain a signed release/consent form from every individual to be photographed or filmed. Release/consent forms are available in the Dean’s Office and on the Morris Library website (PDF format). Individuals may also use a release/consent form provided by the college or sponsor of the activity, but must show it to the Administrative Office staff before conducting the activity.
- If an individual requests not to be included in any photograph or video, their wishes must be respected as a matter of courtesy.
- To maintain privacy, photographs or videos of users reading or using a computer must be taken at a distance to ensure that the items being read or viewed are not disclosed.
Approved by Steering Committee June 19, 2014