Group Study Room Guidelines
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2024, 12:57 PM
These guidelines provide general information about Morris Library's group study rooms, their contents, and how they should be used.
About the Rooms
- Fourteen rooms located on the third, fourth and fifth floors
- Room sizes vary to accommodate up to sixteen people
- Styles include meeting tables and chairs or casual soft seating intended for open discussion and problem solving
- Include white boards, tack boards and network connections
- Intended to provide unique space for collaborative work and study for classroom or research related activities - may not be used for semester-long instruction or office hours
- Drop-in usage welcome, but priority given to groups with reservations
- Available for use to current SIU Carbondale students, faculty, and staff
- Reservations may be made online at for up to two or four hours, depending on room type
- Doors to Group Study Rooms are unlocked. Do not leave personal items unattended.
- Morris Library reserves the right to cancel a Group Study Room reservation if the group has not occupied the room within 15 minutes of the reservation time.
- Users are not allowed to sleep in these rooms
- Contact the Circulation Services Desk for more information 618-453-1455.
Group Study Room Guidelines for Use
Group Study Rooms are kept open for anyone needing to use private study space
Drop-ins are welcome, although priority will be given to study groups who have reserved their room through the online room reservation system at
Two hour and four hour Group Study Rooms may be reserved in half hour increments by groups of 2 or more.
You must bring proof of confirmation when you come to the room to claim your slot – a printout, saved email or screenshot on phone, laptop, or other device, etc.
Drop-in users must relinquish the room when presented with another group’s confirmation of reservation for that time/room.
Reservations may be for up to 2 hours or 4 hours per day depending on room type and up to two weeks in advance by current SIU students, faculty, and staff.
Groups are responsible for the condition of the room. Users of the group study rooms must clean up after themselves, and leave the room in good condition for the next users, including erasing the white board.
Dry-erase marker and eraser packs are available to check out at the Circulation Desk.
Tack boards should be used to post notes, posters, and other items. Please remove all materials from the tack board when leaving the room.
While the group study rooms are designed for group use, they are not soundproof. Please be considerate of other library users and maintain reasonable noise levels. To prevent noise from leaving the room, the door should be closed when the room is occupied.
Library furniture from other locations may not be moved into study rooms.
The Library is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property. If you leave the room unattended, you risk the loss of your possessions. Lost and Found items are deposited at the Circulation Services Desk on the 1st floor.
Occupants of Group Study Rooms (or any area in the Library) may be asked to leave the area or the Library for inappropriate behavior or for failure to follow these Group Study Room Guidelines for Use, Morris Library policies (including the Food and Drink Policy), and/or the SIU Student Code of Conduct. Failure to follow the room policies or the online reservation policies/limits will result in the loss of Group Study Room privileges and your email will be blocked by the online reservation system.
Family Friendly Study Room
Morris Library also has a Family Friendly Study Room on the third floor for patrons with children.