Delta Award
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024, 02:43 PM
Delta Award Recipients History
JoAnn Boydston (1976) — Distinguished Professor in 1986, Boydston has worked with the Center for Dewey Studies at SIUC since 1961, and since 1966 has been the Center’s director. Boydston directed the publication of volumes in The Works of John Dewey series; she has written and edited several books including The Poems of John Dewey (1977).
Elmer Gertz (1976) — Chicago attorney and author, Gertz’s works include The Trial of "State Cases”: A Postscript on the Jack Ruby Trial (1967); Censored: Books and Their Right to Live (1965); The Black Laws of Illinois (1957); The Best Is Yet to Be (1997); To Life (1974).
Herman Lantz (1976) — author, sociologist, and historian, Lantz’s works include A Community in Search of Itself: A Case History of Cairo, Illinois (1972); Marital Incompatibility and Social Change in Early America (1976); People of Coal Town (1958).
Ralph McCoy (1976) — author, and Dean of Library Affairs from 1955-1976, McCoy implemented a "Freedom of the Press" class in the School of Journalism. He was president of the Illinois Library Association in 1956, and president of the Association of Colleges and Research Libraries in 1966, and served in many other professional and educational organizations. McCoy’s works include The First Freedom Today: Critical Issues Relating to Censorship and Intellectual Freedom (1984); Celebrating the Addition of the 250,000th Volume to the Law Library (1987); Banned in Boston: The Development of Literary Censorship in Massachusetts (1956); Open Court: A Centennial Bibliography, 1887-1987 (1987). The Ralph McCoy collection of freedom of the press materials is housed in the Special Collections Research Center at Morris Library.
Robert Mohlenbrock (1976) — author and botanist, Mohlenbrock’s works include Ferns (1967, 1999); The Field Guide to U.S. National Forests (1984); A Flora of Southern Illinois (1959); Flowering Plants and Ferns of Giant City State Park (1954); series of books on various flowering plants.
Harry T. Moore (1976) — author and literary critic, Moore’s works include A D.H. Lawrence Miscellany (1959); Paintings of D.H. Lawrence (1964); Talks with Authors (1968); Contemporary American Novelists (1964, 1966); D.H. Lawrence and His World (1966); Henry James and His World (1974); The Novels of John Steinbeck: A First Critical Study (1939, 1968); The World of Lawrence Durrell (1964).
Henry Dan Piper (1976) — author and literary critic, Piper’s works include F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Critical Portrait (1965, 1968); Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: The Novel, the Critics, the Background (1970); Guide to Technical Reports (1958).
George Kimball Plochmann (1976) — author and classics expert, Plochmann’s works include A Friendly Companion to Plato’s Gorgias (1988); General Bibliography of Logic (1950); The Ordeal of Southern Illinois University (1959); Introduction to Western Humanities, a Syllabus (1965).
John Y. Simon (1976) — author and Civil War historian, Simon’s works include Ulysses S. Grant: Essays and Documents (1981); New Perspectives on the Civil War: Myths and Realities of the National Conflict (1998); The Lincoln Forum: Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg and the Civil War (1999); House Divided: Lincoln and His Father (1987); Ulysses S. Grant Chronology (1963); Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885: The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant (1967); Grant, Julia Dent, 1826-1902: The Personal Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant (Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant) (1975, 1988).
John Voight (1976) — author, environmental ecologist, and plant biologist, Voight’s works include Plant Communities of Southern Illinois (1964); Prairie Plants of Illinois (1985).
John Gardner (1976) — novelist, scholarly writer, playwright, and poet; his works include Grendel (1972, 1989); The Wreckage of Agathon (1970); Freddy’s Book (1980); The Sunlight Dialogues (1972); Nickel Mountain (1973); Mickelsson’s Ghosts (1982). He won the National Book Critics Circle Award for October Light (1977). More titles: The Life and Times of Chaucer (1977); Jason and Medeia (1973); The King’s Indian (1974); The Art of Living (1981); On Moral Fiction (1978); On Becoming a Novelist (1983). Gardner is recognized for his significant literary works.
Robert Coover (1977) — author of novels and short stories fiction, Coover’s works include The Origin of the Brunists: A Novel (1966); The Public Burning (1977).
Charles Johnson (1977) — SIUC alumnus, novelist, author of both fiction and nonfiction, and historian of African-American slavery; Johnson’s works include Dreamer: A Novel (1998); Black Men Speaking (1997).
James Jones (1977) — From Here to Eternity (1951); The Thin Red Line (1962); Some Came Running (1957, 1959).
Robert Lewis Taylor (1977) — author and political historian, Taylor’s works include The Amazing Mister Churchill (1962); Vessel of Wrath: The Life and Times of Carry Nation (1966); W.C. Fields: His Follies and Fortunes (1968).
Paul Simon (1978) — senator, director of the public policy institute at SIUC, presidential candidate; his works include Lovejoy, Martyr to Freedom (1964); The Politics of World Hunger: Grass Roots Politics and World Poverty (1973).
James Morton Smith (1978) — author and political historian, Smith’s works include Freedom’s Fetters: The Alien and Sedition Laws and American Civil Liberties (1956); Liberty and Justice: A Historical Record of American Constitutional Development (1958).
John W. Wright (1978) — author and local historian, Wright’s works include A History of Early Carbondale, Illinois, 1852-1905 (1977); Jackson County, Illinois: Formation and Early Settlement (1983).
Irving Dilliard (1979) — author, Dilliard’s works include Building the Constitution (1967); Mr. Justice Brandeis, Great American: Press Opinion and Public Appraisal (1941). Dilliard is a former newswriter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Ben Gelman (1979) — southern Illinois naturalist and ornithologist, Gelman published Bird Watching with Ben (1985); Gelman was the Sunday editor and a columnist for the Southern Illinois newspaper.
Howard Rusk Long (1979) — former chairman of the School of Journalism at SIUC and author, Long’s works include Main Street Militants: An Anthology from Grassroots Editor (1977); Frank Luther Mott: Scholar, Teacher, Human Being (1968).
Virginia L. Marmaduke (1979) — retired Chicago newswriter.
Patsy Rose Hoshiko (1980) — librarian, historian, and author, Hoshiko published Southern Illinois History Inventory (1983) and Illinois! Illinois!: An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction (1979) with fellow librarian Thomas Kilpatrick.
Thomas L. Kilpatrick (1980) — author, bibliographer, and librarian, Kilpatrick published Illinois! Illinois!: An Annotated Bibliography of Fiction (1979), a collaboration with Patsy Rose Hoshiko.
Dan Malkovich (posthumous) (1980) — editor and publisher of the magazine Illinois.
Vernon Sternberg (posthumous) (1980) — editor and founding director of the SIU Press.
Irving M. Peithman (1981) — curator emeritus of Archaeology at the Sharp Museum, Peithman has authored numerous articles for professional journals and books on Native American history; his book The Unconquered Seminole Indians of Florida has sold over half a million copies and was adopted by the Florida school system as a standard reference work on the subject.
Stanley E. Harris (1981) — professor of geology at SIUC starting in 1949, Harris was an exchange professor in geology at the University of Hamburg, Germany; he was a research geologist for the Iowa Geological Survey from 1942 to 1948, and for the Illinois Geological Survey from 1950 to 1961. Among his accomplishments are Earth Science Workshop: Summaries & Field Guide (1974), and a co-authored geological guide entitled Exploring the Land and Rocks of Southern Illinois (1977). In 1978 Harris received a grant which he shared with the Forestry Department from the U.S. Depart of the Interior for a two year project on an "Inventory and Evaluation of Ecological and Geological Landmarks of the East Central Lowlands," including Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, parts of Pennsylvania and New York, and Illinois.
Alan M. Cohn (1981) — professor, librarian, and scholar, Cohn started at SIUC in 1955 as an English professor and Humanities librarian—when the library was located in the Wheeler building. He has served on committees such as the D.H. Lawrence committee in 1978 and the Joyce-Lawrence Symposium committee in 1959. Cohn was a member of the Bibliographical Society of America, the Modern Language Association, and the Dickens Society, as well as other organizations. He has published numerous articles on Joyce and Lawrence, especially noted for his work on the Croessmann/Joyce collection. Cohn’s works include Work in Progress: Joyce Centenary Essays (1983) and The Cumulated Dickens Checklist (1982).
Carroll L. Riley (1982) — professor of Anthropology and curator of Sharp Museum, Riley has published extensively and has edited several works about the archaeology, ethno-history and ethnology of the American Southwest and the north Mexican frontier. Among his works are Man Across the Sea: Problems of Pre-Columbian Contacts (1971); The Frontier People: The Greater Southwest in the Protohistoric Period (1982, 1987); Historical and Cultural Dictionary of Saudi Arabia (1972); The Origins of Civilization (1969); Across the Chichimec Sea: Papers in Honor of J. Charles Kelley (1978). He is recognized for his scholarly contributions in the field of Anthropology.
Anne West Lindsey (1982) — graduate of SIUC, professional writing teacher, high school teacher, lecturer and article workshop conductor at numerous national writing conferences, Lindsey is recognized for intellectual pursuits and substantial contributions in the fields of Journalism and Creative Writing. West published It Happened in Cairo (1940).
Betty L. Fladeland (1983) — author, Fladeland is recognized for distinguished scholarly contributions, through her publications, to an understanding of the battle against slavery in the United States. Fladeland published Compensated Emancipation: A Rejected Alternative.
Regina M. Shelton (1983) — author and war historian, Shelton is recognized for teaching, through publication of her memoirs, universal compassion to the horrors of war. Shelton published To Lose a War: Memories of a German Girl (1982).
Hensley Woodbridge (1983) — author, Woodbridge is recognized for distinguished publications in Latin American, Spanish, and American bibliography. Among his works are Spanish and Spanish-American Literature: An Annotated Guide to Selected Bibliographies (1983); Jack London Newsletter (1967); Printing in Colonial Spanish America (1976); Jesse Stuart: A Bibliography (1960).
Herbert L. Fink (1984) — graphic artist from southern Illinois, Fink has published several books of watercolors and drawings. Among his works are Herbert L. Fink, Graphic Artist (1981); Herbert Fink: Recent Watercolors and Drawings, 1978-1987 (1987). He illustrated the book The King’s Indian: Stories and Tales (1974).
Susan E. Maycock (1984) — author of architectural history and historic preservationist, Maycock resided in Carbondale from 1973 to 1979, during which time she conducted the architectural survey and research for her book An Architectural History of Southern Illinois (1983). She also organized a neighborhood movement for historic preservation in Carbondale during this time.
Kenneth Hopkins (1984) — famous British poet, Hopkins was a visiting writer at SIUC. His works include English Poetry: A Short History (1962); Bourbon and Branch: Verses (1969); By Invitation Only: Poems (1977); Campus Corpse (1963); Foundlings and Fugitives (1961); Collected Poems: 1966-1977 (1978); Dead Against My Principles (1962).
Art Reid (1985) — naturalist and local historian of southern Illinois, Reid had a column in the Southern Illinoisan. Reid’s works include The Art of Hunting Canada Geese (1994); Fishing Southern Illinois (1986).
George Anastaplo (1985) — political historian, Anastaplo’s works include Abraham Lincoln: A Constitutional Biography (1999); Campus Hate-Speech Codes and Twentieth Century Atrocities (1997); The American Moralist: On Law, Ethics and Government (1992); Human Being and Citizen: Essays on Virtue, Freedom, and the Common Good (1975).
Howard W. Allen (1985) — political historian and author, Allen’s works include Poindexter of Washington: A Study in Progressive Politics (1987); Illinois Elections, 1818-1990: Candidates and County Returns for President, Governor, Senate, and House of Representatives (1992).
Willard Klimstra (1986) — ecologist, environmental scientist, Klimstra’s works include Problem Sites: Surface-mined Lands in Illinois (1974); Florida Key Deer Recovery Plan (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1980).
Lloyd K. (Tony) Stevens (1986) — reporter for the Southern Illinoisan.
Rodney Jones (1986) — poet, and professor of English at SIUC, Jones’ works include Apocalyptic Narrative and Other Poems (1993); Elegy for the Southern Drawl (1999); Transparent Gestures (1989); The Story They Told Us of Light: Poems (1980); The Unborn: Poems (1985).
Jerome Handler (1986) — ethnohistorian and professor of Anthropology at SIUC, Handler’s titles include A Guide to Source Materials for the Study of Barbados History (1971); Plantation Slavery in Barbados: An Archaeological and Historical Investigation (1978); Searching for a Slave Cemetery in Barbados, West Indies: A Bioarchaeological and Ethnohistorical Investigation (1989); The Unappropriated People: Freedom in the Slave Society of Barbados (1974).
H. Arnold Barton (1987) — professor of history at SIUC, Barton’s works include Clipper Ship and Covered Wagon: Essays from the Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly (1979); Letters from the Promised Land: Swedes in America, 1840-1914 (1975); A Folk Divided: Homeland Swedes and Swedish Americans, 1840-1940 (1994); Scandinavia in the Revolutionary Era, 1760-1815 (1986).
George Gumerman (1987, also won in 1992) — see 1992 entry
Elizabeth R. Eames (1987) — professor of Philosophy at SIUC, Eames’ works include Bertrand Russell’s Dialogue with His Contemporaries (1989); Lectures in the Far East (1980); Logical Methods: A Text-Workbook for a General Education Course in Logic (1971); Bertrand Russell’s Theory of Knowledge (1969); A Discussion of the Issues in the Theory of Knowledge Involved in the Controversy Between John Dewey and Bertrand Russell (microfilm, 1951).
H. B. Koplowitz (1987) — student at SIUC, Koplowitz published Carbondale After Dark: And Other Stories (1982).
Richard L. Lanigan, Jr. (1988) — communication philosopher, Lanigan’s works include Speech Act Phenomenology (1977); Speaking and Semiology: Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication (1969); The Human Science of Communicology: A Phenomenology of Discourse in Foucault and Merleau-Ponty (1992); Semiotic Phenomenology of Rhetoric: Eidetic Practice in Henry Grattan’s Discourse on Tolerance (1984).
Jon D. Muller (1988) — professor of Anthropology at SIUC, Muller’s works include Archaeology of the Lower Ohio River Valley (1986); Mississippi Political Economy (1997).
Judy R. Little (1988) — poet and professor of English at SIUC, Little’s titles include Epiphany 1986: Poem and Greetings from Judy Little (1986); Comedy and the Woman Writer: Woolf, Spark, and Feminism (1983); Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism: Introductory Notes and Selected Bibliography with Annotation (1986); Homewords: Poems (1994); Keats as a Narrative Poet: A Test of Invention (1975); A Legend of Women: A Poetry Sequence (1977).
John S. Jackson III (1989) —political historian and interim Chancellor for Academic Affairs at SIUC, Jackson’s works include The Making of a Primary: The Illinois Presidential Primary, 1912-1992 (1996); The Politics of Presidential Selection (1996); The Suffrage, Elections and Constitutional Revision Articles of the 1970 Illinois Constitution (1987).
Robert J. Hastings (1989) — author, Hasting’s titles include The Answer Book: For Writers and Storytellers (1991); How to Live with Yourself (1966); How to Manage your Money (1965); My Money and God (1961); A Nickel’s Worth of Skim Milk: A Boy’s View of the Great Depression (1972); A Word Fitly Spoken (1962).
Betty J. Mitchell (1989) — professor of English at SIUC, Mitchell published a pictorial history of Carbondale.
James Richard Russo (1989) — novelist under the name Richard Russo, works include Mohawk (1986); Nobody’s Fool (1993); The Risk Pool (1988); Straight Man (1997).
William Atkinson (1990) — Atkinson’s works include The Next New Madrid Earthquake: A Survival Guide for the Midwest (1988); The Possibility of Effects of Lunar Phases on Verbal Aggression (1982).
Frederick Betz (1990) — Betz’s works include Heinrich Mann, der Untertan (1993); Theodor Fontane, Irrungen, Wirrungen (1979); Heiteres Daruberstehen oder Dopplezungigkeit?: Die Familienbriefe (1905) Theodor Fontanes: Ein Unbekannter Text (1922) von Fritz Mauthner / Herausgegeben und Kommentiert von Frederick Betz, Jorg Thunecke (1992).
Gary DeNeal (1990) — local historian and publisher of Springhouse magazine, DeNeal’s works include Blue Hills, Blue Shadows (1995); A Knight of Another Sort: Prohibition Days and Charlie Birger (1981, 1998).
Elizabeth W. Matthews (1990) — law librarian at SIUC, Matthews’ titles include Access Points to the Law Library Card Catalog Interpretation (1982); Lincoln as a Lawyer: An Annotated Bibliography (1991); Rarebook Collection in the School of Law Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (1982); Characteristics and Academic Preparation of Directors of Library-learning Resource Centers in Selected Community Junior colleges (1972).
Herbert K. Russell (1990) — local historian, bibliographer, and English professor at John A. Logan Community College, Russell’s works include Edgar Lee Masters’ Literary Decline: From Spoon River to The New Spoon River (1977); A Southern Illinois Album: Farm Security Administration Photographs (1990); Masters, Edgar Lee, 1868-1950. The Enduring River: Edgar Lee Masters’ Uncollected Spoon River Poems (1991).
Richard A. Lawson (1991) — photographer, Lawson is recognized for significant contributions in the field of still photography. Among his works are Fred E. Myers, Wood-carver (1980) and The Federal Art Project in Illinois, 1935-1943 (1990), two collaborations with George Mavigliano, and photographs for Isothermal (1978), a book of poetry by Steven Tietz.
George J. Mavigliano (1991) — art historian, Mavigliano is recognized for significant achievements in art history. Among his works are Fred E. Myers, Wood-carver (1980) and The Federal Art Project in Illinois, 1935-1943 (1990), collaborations with Richard Lawson.
Joe S. Foote (1991) — former Dean of the College of Communications at SIUC, Foote is recognized for distinction in research and writing on the impact of the mass media on American politics. Works include Live from the Trenches: The Changing Role of the Television News Correspondent (1998); Television Access and Political Power: The $networks, the Presidency, and the “Loyal Opposition” (1990).
David P. Werlich (1991) — author and professor of history at SIUC, Werlich is recognized for distinguished writing in Latin American history. He researched the life of Peruvian revolutionary Bareda Sherman. Works include The Conquest and Settlement of the Peruvian Montana (1974); Peru: A Short History (1978); Research Tools for Latin American Historians: A Select, Annotated Bibliography (1977); Admiral of the Amazon: John Randolph Tucker, His Confederate Colleagues, and Peru (1990).
George Gumerman (1992) — anthropologist and archaeologist, Gumerman is recognized for significant contributions to research and publication in anthropology and archaeology of the American Southwest. Among his works are Conservation Archaeology: A Guide for Cultural Resource Management Studies (1977); Dynamics of Southwest Prehistory (1989); Exploring the Hohokam: Prehistoric Desert Peoples of the American Southwest (1991); Prehistoric Cultural Development in Central Arizona: Archaeology of the Upper New River Region (1984); A View from Black Mesa: The Changing Face of Archaeology (1984).
Richard Peck (1992) — author of literature for young adults, Peck’s titles include Lost in Cyberspace (1995); Ghosts I Have Been : A Novel (1977); Princess Ashley (1987); Amanda/Miranda (1980); Bel-Air Bambi and the Mall Rats (1993); Close Enough to Touch (1981); Don’t Look and It Won’t Hurt (1972).
Leland S. Person (1993) — writer of research articles on New England authors Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Herman Melville, Edgar Allen Poe, and James Fenimore Cooper, Person has also published two books, Aesthetic Headaches: Women and a Masculine Poetics in Poe, Melville and Hawthorne (1988), and Henry James and the Question of Masculinity. He was named Outstanding Teacher in the College of Liberal Arts at SIUC in 1990.
Richard Clayton “Dick” Gregory (1993) — comedian, writer, and social commentator; student and track star at SIUC in the ‘50s. Book titles include From the Back of the Bus (1962); Nigger: An Autobiography (1964); What’s Happening? (1965); The Shadow that Scares Me (1968); No More Lies: The Myth and Reality of American History (1971); Gregory’s Political Primer (1972); Up from Nigger (1976); and Code Name “Zorro”: The Murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1977). He ran for mayor of Chicago in 1965 and was the Freedom and Peace Party’s candidate for President in 1968. Gregory is recognized for literary contributions as well as his political and comedic contributions.
Charles F. Fanning (1994) — author and professor in SIUC English department, Fanning’s works include The Exiles of Erin: Nineteenth Century Irish-American Fiction (1987); The Irish Voice in America: Irish-American Fiction from the 1760’s to the 1980’s (1990); The Irish Voice in America: 250 Years of Irish-American Fiction (2000); New Perspectives on the Irish Diaspora (2000). Fanning is recognized for significant contributions to scholarship in the area of American Literature.
John S. Haller, Jr. (1994) — Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, awarded for significant contributions to the literature of science and medical history. Works include American Medicine in Transition, 1840-1910 (1981); Forging a Medical Practice, 1884-1938: An Illinois Case Study (1997); Farmcarts to Fords: A History of the Military Ambulance, 1790-1925 (1992); Outcasts from Evolution: Scientific Attitudes of Racial Inferiority, 1859-1900 (1971, 1995); The Physician and Sexuality in Victorian America (1974, 1995).
Edgar Allen Imhoff (1995) — geoscientist in a variety of positions for private industry, universities and the government; published in publications of the U.S. Geological Survey and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He received an award from President Jimmy Carter for his scientific work.
Wayne A. Wiegand (1995) — author of books and articles on the library profession, with emphasis on library history; he has taught in the Library Science departments at University of Wisconsin in Madison and University of Kentucky, the history department at Urbana College in Ohio, and at John A. Logan in Carterville, IL. He has received the G. K. Hall Award twice for excellence in library literature, the Herbert W. Putnam Honor Award for outstanding ability as a librarian, and the Jesse H. Shera Award for excellence in library research. Wiegand is recognized for his extensive contributions to library excellence. Works include Encyclopedia of Library History (1994); An Active Instrument for Propaganda: The American Public Library During World War I (1989); Leaders in American Academic Librarianship, 1925-1975 (1983); Print Culture in a Diverse America (1998); Irrepressible Reformer: A Biography of Melvil Dewey (1996); The Politics of an Emerging Profession: The American Library Association, 1876-1917 (1986).
Jane Adams (1996) — professor of Anthropology and author of The Transformation of Rural Life: Southern Illinois, 1890-1990. Adams is recognized for her contribution to the understanding and appreciation of life in southern Illinois.
Michael Batinski (1996) — professor of History and author of several books about the New Hampshire state legislature, Batinski’s works include Jonathan Belcher, Colonial Governor (1996); The New Jersey Assembly, 1738-1775: The Making of a Legislative Community (1987). Batinski is recognized for significant scholarship and publications in American colonial history and culture.
Ned Trovillion (1997) — photographer of his travels to several countries including Israel, Russia, Tibet, and China. His photographs of southern Illinois’ natural beauty have appeared in scores of publications as well as in his book Southern Illinois: A Photographer’s Love for the Countryside and Its Beauty (1995). Trovillion is recognized for his photographic contribution to understanding and appreciating life in southern Illinois.
Preston Ewing (1997) — documentary photographer of the civil rights struggles which have been a part of Cairo, Illinois’ heritage. Let My People Go: Cairo, Illinois, 1967-1973: Civil Rights Photographs (1996) is a collaborative photographic documentary with Jan Roddy.
Jan Roddy (1997) — author and collaborator with Preston Ewing on Let My People Go: Cairo, Illinois, 1967-1973: Civil Rights Photographs (1996), a book about the civil rights struggles in Cairo’s history.
Kay Rippelmeyer-Tippy (1998) — advisor in the College of Liberal Arts and historian, she is an authority on the history of southern Illinois. Rippelmeyer-Tippy is recognized for significant contribution to understanding and appreciating life in southern Illinois through historical research of the area.
Shirley J. Portwood (1998) — faculty member at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville awarded for her research and publications on the history of African-Americans in southern Illinois. Portwood published the book Tell Us a Story: An African-American Family in the Heartland (2000).
John L. Roseberry (1999) — Senior Scientist in Cooperative Wildlife Research awarded for significant contributions to wildlife conservation and research; Roseberry’s works include Population Ecology of the Bobwhite (1984); Habitat Population Density Relationships for White-tailed Deer in Illinois; Some Aspects of the Relationship between Land and Utilization and Bobwhite Quail (1960).
Karen Drickamer (1999) — Curator of Manuscripts and Assistant University Archivist in the Special Collections Research Center, Drickamer is awarded for significant contributions in gathering, preserving and documenting southern Illinois history.
Southern Illinois University Press (1999) — the Press was awarded for significant contribution to the enrichment of life in southern Illinois through many years of publishing significant monographs about southern Illinois and by southern Illinois authors.
Herb Meyer (2000) — works include A Kaskaskia Chronology (1987); Early Pioneer Gravestones of Pope County, Illinois (1994) with Michael McNerney.
Keith Cotton (2001) — photographer of southern Illinois, especially Cobden, awarded for significant contribution to the history of southern Illinois, its landscape and its people.
Kay Carr (2001) — author of several works on the history of southern Illinois. Titles include Tillson, Christiana Holmes, 1798-1872: A Woman’s Story of Pioneer Illinois (1995); The Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor: A Guide to Its History and Sources (1988); Belleville, Ottawa, and Galesburg: Community and Democracy on the Illinois Frontier (1996).
Les Winkler (2002)
Louise & Russell Ogg (2002)
Crab Orchard Review (2003)
Allison Joseph, Judy Jordan, Beth Lordan, Michael Magnuson, Lucia Perillo and Brady Udall (2003)
Dona Bachman, PhD (2004)
Sharp Museum (2004)
Edward Benyas, PhD (2004)
Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra (2004)
David Bond (2005)
Michael J. Lawrence (2005)
Darrel E. Dexter (2006)
Mildred McCormack (2006)
Linda Rush (2006)
James Pickett Jones, PhD (2007)
Robert Hartley (2007)
David Kenney, PhD (2007)
Taylor Pensoneau (2008)
James C. Ballowe (2008)
Gordon R. Pruett (2009)
John Griswold (2009)
Jeffrey Biggers (2010)
William Iseminger (2012)
Margaret Kimball Brown (2013)
P. Michael Jones (2014)
Union County Historical & Genealogical Society (2015)
Mark Wagner (2016)
John Schwegman (2017)
Ed and Diane Annable (2018)
Michael J. McNerney (2019) — retired archaeologist and author.
David MacDonald & Raine Waters (2020) — chosen for their publication Kaskaskia: The Lost Capital of Illinois.
John A. Beadles (2021) — chosen for his publication Stained with Blood and Tears.
The Illinois Chapter of the Trail of Tears Association (2022)
Gary Marx & Daniel Overturf (2022) — chosen for their publication Illinois Trails & Traces: Portraits and Stories along the State's Historic Routes.