Faculty Research Rooms


Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024, 02:43 PM

Additional Procedures

  1. The deadline for applications is the Friday of the week before classes begin each semester.
  2. It is the responsibility of the Faculty Research Room user to notify the Dean’s Office when the room assigned is no longer needed.
  3. Correspondence with the Dean’s Office is normally through email after the initial submission of the web-based application form.
  4. The Dean’s Office will send a reminder to release or renew Faculty Research Room at the end of each month.
  5. A Faculty Research Room user may apply for renewal at the end of the assigned period, but will have no priority over other applicants.

Terms of Faculty Research Room Use

  1. Library materials kept in Faculty Research Rooms MUST BE checked out.
  2. Library materials that have been checked out by the Faculty Research Room user may be left in Faculty Research Rooms but remain the responsibility of that Faculty Research Room user.
  3. Do not leave Reference or non-circulating materials in Faculty Research Rooms.
  4. Morris Library will periodically check Faculty Research Rooms for library materials that have not been checked out. Library personnel will remove such materials.
  5. Normal loan periods apply to library materials kept in Faculty Research Rooms.
  6. Faculty Research Rooms are available only during library open hours and must be vacated at closing time.
  7. Faculty Research Room keys must be returned to the Dean’s Office at the end of the assigned usage period. Lost/unreturned keys will result in a replacement charge.
  8. Faculty Research Rooms are for research and scholarship, not for office or conference space.
  9. Only those who have been assigned a Faculty Research Room by the Dean’s Office may use the room.
  10. Each Faculty Research Room provides wireless and/or network access. 
  11. Faculty members are responsible for providing their own equipment, including computing devices, printers, scanners, and cell phones.
  12. Report damage, burned out bulbs, and other maintenance issues to the Dean’s Office immediately.
  13. Additional library furniture may not be brought into the Faculty Research Rooms. 
  14. Walls, doors, and windows must be kept free of nails, tape, or any other affixed objects.
  15. Electrical appliances (such as space heaters, microwave ovens, toasters, blenders, coffee makers, hot plates, hot pots, etc.) may not be brought into or used in Faculty Research Rooms.
  16. Users are expected to follow the Morris Library Food & Drink Policy in Faculty Research Rooms. 
  17. Morris Library reserves the right to revoke Faculty Research Room assignments for violations of the terms of use or lack of use at any times.
  18. Morris Library is not responsible for personal property left in Faculty Research Rooms.